Apple502j - Inedible/Japanese Scratch-Wiki Admin/GitHub/Test-Wiki/Scratch

Logo of Apple502j.jpg Apple502j Talk/Activities 2,243edit

Me not in a nutshell:

  • Living in Japan
    • Timezone is JST(UTC+9)[1]
    • My sleep schedule is pretty unreliable, so just leave messages in my talk!
  • Speaks Japanese as my native language, and fluent English
  • I can write Python (ofc 3.x)[2] and JavaScript (nodejs, frontend), and PHP
    • And SQL (SQLite preferred, but I usually work with Maria/MySQL)
    • Some bash works I guess?
    • Recently learning Java! Mapping snapshots one by one.
    • Scratch? of course, here's Scratch Wiki.
    • HTML5, CSS, reST, Markdown, Wikicode... do they count as programming languages?
    • Redstone, oh yes. Loving it. Also 1.13+ commands!
  • I sometimes edit jawiki (as an admin), enwiki, and testwiki.
  • Open source FTW
    • Firefox user
    • Yes, I use LibreOffice
    • GitHub is good.
  • I like:
    • Programming language: i dunno, depends on use! Python for math and small scripts, JavaScript for front-end or full-stack dev, PHP for easy server and Java for modding MC.
    • Block-based programming language: Scratch
    • Sport: None
  • Black Lives Matter.
    • Asian Lives Matter. In my school my English teacher has taught many things, but one of the most shocking one is "how to avoid anti-Asians in America".
  • Trans Rights Matter. Enby rights matter. GSR minority rights matter.
    • Or should I say, "Human rights, including rights to express themselves freely, matter."
    • Being trans should not prevent them from joining in sports events. If you say that's cheating, that's a false claim.
  • CAPITALISM? Why not lowercaseism? or, fullwidthism?
    • One thing Japan is proud of, is probably "medicare for all".
  • Hey you're looking for my pronouns? Just use they/them!

Favorite Quotes

@apple502j perfect, thanks for the PR!

– chrisgarrity

My Pages


  1. MIT+14 in winter
  2. Recently my usage of Python has been decreasing just because I do more front-end stuff now.
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