- The correct title of this article is When video motion > (). The Scratch Wiki uses a different title because of technical restrictions.
When video motion > () | |
when video motion > () | |
Category | Video Sensing |
Type | Hat |
Introduced in | 3.0 |
The when video motion > () block is a hat block and a Video Sensing block. It activates when the current video motion on the stage is greater than the number entered. Prior to Scratch 3.0, the option "video motion" was included in the When () > () block instead of the Video Sensing extension.
Example Uses
This block can be used for many things, such as:
- Being motion activated:
when video motion > (10) broadcast (start v)
- Making a sprite move when there is motion:
when video motion > (10) move (10) steps if on edge, bounce
- Main article: List of Block Workarounds
The block can be replicated by using a Wait Until () block in conjunction with a Greater Than or Less Than block:
forever wait until < (video (motion v) on (stage v)) > (10) > . . . wait until < not < (video (motion v) on (stage v)) > (10) > >