Shortcut: is a Scratch Website subdomain that serves as the primary website for hosting images on the Scratch website. Formerly, it provided another way to access and control the Scratch Website using your account.

Other Uses

Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective. was notable for being an alternate server of Scratch,[1] meaning that users could access certain pages on it, send requests to the main Scratch website, and interact with Scratch features. People used this to their advantage to access parts of Scratch when the main website was down.[2] Once the 2021 Studio Update was released, users could use this subdomain to avoid the 25-comment reply limit on their comments.[3] Shortly after this, access to the subdomain was removed.[4]

Accessible Pages

Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.

Not all pages on Scratch could be viewed on, and users who tried to view those got an error message.[5] The only pages that were accessible on were pages that used the old, Scratch 2.0-style header, which were not yet migrated to scratch-www; and pages that had been migrated, but had not yet had their old code removed. Pages that used the Scratch 3.0-style header (that were not migrated from an existing 2.0 page) could no longer be accessed on the uploads subdomain.[6]
Exceptions included the following pages:

  • About Scratch
  • Community Guidelines
  • DMCA
  • Download
  • For Educators
  • For Parents
  • Jobs
  • Our Team
  • Privacy Policy
  • Statistics
  • Terms of Use


  1. Kenny2scratch. (19/2/2018). " acts almost the same as[title]" topic:292421
  2. NilsTheBest. (7/4/2019). "As of when I'm typing this, the forums are experiencing problems and are down. But when going on , they seem to be perfectly functional." topic:346802
  3. ScratchCat1038. (6/7/2021). "Add "uploads." before the word '"scratch" in a studio link to make it 2.0 (no reply/manager limit also!)" post:5409362
  4. dhuls. (6/7/2021). "That doesn't work anymore." post:5409457
  5. Beamy68. (26/5/2020). "The differences I've found so far are:" post:4059171
  6. Kenny2scratch. (26/5/2020). "Scratch that (;)), all of the page differences are because of 3.0 - I imagine that anything that still has the old 2.0 header (thinner, darker blue/purple) will be identical on the uploads site; whereas for anything that was changed, we can see the original 2.0 version on uploads." post:4060345