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A watermark is a small, often transparent mark usually containing a Scratcher's username or icon. It is placed in one of the four corners of a piece of art. The point of a watermark is to help abolish art theft by the image and the mark being grouped together, making it difficult to remove. The usage of a watermark is beneficial if participating in a Multiple Animator Project or a similar project.[citation needed]

Types of Watermarks


The username watermark is a quick and easy mark, as it is simply a typed username. Username watermarks are mainly used by newer Scratchers or Scratchers who do not feel as confident in their drawing abilities.[citation needed] However, they are more simple and easier to remove.

User Icon

Another type of watermark is the user's icon. This image is placed in a corner of the art and grouped together with the art so it is harder to remove.


Sometimes a group of Scratchers will work on a collaboration together and create a watermark for projects that will be used in the final project.[citation needed]

Creating a Watermark

Creating a watermark requires access to the Scratch paint editor.

  1. Convert the artwork to bitmap form. This makes the watermark very difficult to remove in the Scratch editor once it is placed. However, this may also reduce the quality of the art and make it harder to edit.
  2. Use the text tool to type text which will be the watermark. A small piece of art which has the same function can also be used.
  3. Save the project with the watermark. This attaches the watermark to the piece of art, making it not removable without external tools.
  4. Optional: Use the ghost effect to make the watermark slightly transparent, so it does not bother viewers.

Removing a Watermark

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Note Warning: Don't use this to steal Scratcher's stuff! Always give credit or you will get an Alert from the Scratch Team.

Removing a watermark requires extra tools. A simple way to remove a watermark is to use online tools that utilize AI to remove it, or by cropping the image. Another method is to ungroup/remove said watermark in SVE, if the creator hasn't made it part of the image.

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