Video () on ()
video (motion v) on (sprite v)
Category Video Sensing
Type Reporter
Introduced in 2.0

The Video () on () block is a Video Sensing block and a Reporter block. It gets values of the video, either motion (on a scale of 1 to 100) or direction (which way the detected motion is going, measured on the same plane as sprite direction), on either the stage, or the current sprite. If there is no video, the block will return -1.

It calculates the values based on "optical flow".

Prior to Scratch 3.0, this block was labeled as a Sensing block, and the sprite and stage options were labeled as "this sprite" and "Stage", respectively.

Example Uses

  • Moving a sprite by moving
  move (video (motion v) on (sprite v)) steps
  point in direction (video (direction v) on (sprite v))
  • Popping balloons
if <(video (motion v) on (sprite v)) > [30]> then
  play sound (pop v)
  • Sensing lots of action, by also using loudness
when gf clicked
 if < <(video (motion v) on (stage v)) > [30]> and <not <(loudness) > [30]>> > then
  say [Turn up the volume!]
 if < <not <(video (motion v) on (stage v)) > [30]>> and <(loudness) > [30]> > then
  say [Start moving!]
 if <<(video (motion v) on (stage v)) > [30]> and <(loudness) > [30]>> then
  say [Party!]

See Also

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