Not to be confused with Think () (block).
Think () for () Seconds
think () for () seconds
Category Looks
Type Stack
Introduced in 02Dec06 (0.x)

The Think () for () Seconds block is a Looks block and a stack block. The block gives its sprite a thought bubble with the specified text, which stays for the specified amount of seconds. This block is identical to the Say () for () Seconds block except that this block gives a thought bubble, while the other gives a speech bubble. This block was previously called "Think () for () Secs."

Example Uses

As this block gives a sort of thought, the block can be used whenever a character thinks something (such as in an animation). Another common use is when unpredictable text must be shown; it is an easy alternative to stamping characters on the screen.

Some common uses:

  • A telepathic conversation
think [Hello human! I am a ghost named Taco.] for (2) seconds
think [I need some ghost food from Taco Bell.] for (2) seconds
think [Bring me some and I shall reward you.] for (2) seconds
  • A display for text
when I receive [reading sign v]
think [NO!! I NEED TO MOVE AROUND FOR MR. KING SIGN!!!!] for (2) seconds
  • A radio's transmission
when gf clicked
think [Attention! Hurricane Kuku Bird is headed toward Scratch City! Evacuate now!] for (5) seconds
  • A character's thought
think [Hmm... What answer is correct?] for (2) seconds
think [A is wrong, B I don't know about, C....] for (2) seconds
think [I'll choose C.] for (1) seconds


Main article: List of Block Workarounds

This block can be replicated with the following code:

think [Hmm...]
wait (amount) seconds
think []

Making the insert blank removes the speech bubble in say and think blocks, but still asks if the Ask () and Wait block is used.

Character limit

A character limit was added for Scratch 3.0, limiting all text to 330 characters or less.[1] This limitation also applies to the following blocks:

  • say ()
  • say () for () seconds
  • think ()

See Also


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