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This page has bad source code style. If you can improve it according to Scratch Wiki:Style Guide, please do!

[edit] [history] [purge] Documentation Template documentation

This documentation is transcluded from Template:Bad style/doc.

Use at the end of an article to mark it as a page that doesn't follow Scratch Wiki:Style Guide and adds it to Category:Pages with Bad Source Style.

If possible, specify what style guideline is broken with a parameter - {{bad style|<guideline-one>|<guideline-two>|<guideline-three>|<any more get truncated>}}.


Scratch Team

The Scratch Team is a group of Scratchers on Scratch who moderates the Scratch Website. The are a part of the Lifelong_Kindergarten_Group.

Document stub.png
This page has bad source code style. If you can improve it according to Scratch Wiki:Style Guide, please do! (November 2017)
Specifically, this page breaks the following guidelines: and more...

See Also

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