
Could someone get a picture of the block and scripts it is in. Because it is annoying me that the block shows up as a variable.
Joletole (talk | contribs) 00:54, 9 June 2012 (UTC)

I don't think we really need that for now. Keep in mind that Scratch 2.0 hasn't even been released, so any of these blocks/features could change in the future. I'm sure that when Scratch 2.0 is released, the block plugin will be updated as needed. :)
Lucario621 (talk | contribs) 19:15, 10 June 2012 (UTC)
I think we could do it.
I'm hoping it will be updated at beta time. :3 The blocks should be stable by then.
Scimonster (talk | contribs) 19:19, 10 June 2012 (UTC)
It's possible, but it's not necessary. The images would only be on the wiki for a matter of months (until Scratch 2.0 is released), and then later deleted. I don't think the orange appearance of the blocks in the examples do that much harm to the article. :)
Lucario621 (talk | contribs) 19:52, 10 June 2012 (UTC)
+1 to Lucario621. Besides, {{Template:Unreleased}} template is there, so people can't say they were never warned.
Mathfreak231 (talk | contribs) 13:48, 9 February 2013 (UTC)

"Video () on ()" and "Loud?" don't co-exist anymore

Could someone change the scratch blocks, but make it so they DON'T totally glitch out? I tried, and failed :P
Mathfreak231 (talk | contribs) 13:58, 9 February 2013 (UTC)

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