Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective. For information on the feature that replaced this one, see Stop ().
Stop Script
stop script:: control
Category Control
Type Cap
Introduced in 1.0
Removed in v121[citation needed] (2.0 alpha)

The Stop Script block was a Control block and a Cap block. The block would deactivate its script, stopping it completely. This block worked similar to the Stop All block, except that it was confined to its script and did not deactivate all scripts in the project.

Before version 1.2, the block was a stack block. Before 1.0, this block was called Done, along with another block with the same function in 0.1 and 0.2. This block became obsolete in an alpha release of Scratch 2.0 with the introduction of the Stop () block.

The history of the stop script block.


Main article: List of Block Workarounds

The "Stop Script" was most often used to stop loops (especially Forever and Forever If () loops). A common workaround is to use a Repeat Until () loop instead.

repeat until <. . .::grey>
. . .

However, such a workaround is not perfect. The primary advantage of the "Stop Script" is its ability to be used throughout the loop. For loops that are lengthy, one often wants to stop the script as quickly as possible, rather than waiting for the script to loop back through the conditional. This is easily done with the "Stop Script" block within an If () Then block. For instance, the following script has a faster "reaction time" to an event that demands the script be stopped than the one above.

. . .
if <. . .::grey> {
    stop script:: control
}:: control
. . .
if <. . .::grey> {
    stop script:: control
}:: control

The following workaround pauses the script at one point forever, rather than stopping the script, but can still be used to prevent code from being activated.

when gf clicked:: control
. . .
wait until <[1] = [0]> // the condition will never be met, thus making the script wait forever

Example Uses

As this block will stop its script, it is widely used when an action performed by a script must cease. Some common uses:

  • Disabling controls
  if <(ammunition) < [1]> {
    set [active v] to [0]
    stop script:: control
  } else {
    set [active v] to [1]
  }:: control
  • Only performing an action once, and then stopping
forever if <(loss) = [1]> {
    broadcast [failure v]:: control
    stop script:: control
} @loopArrow:: control cap
  • Depending on a variable, if an action is performed or the script canceled
when I receive [Show v]:: control
switch to costume [costume1 v]:: looks
if <(allow) = [1]> then
 go to x: (0) y: (0)
 stop script:: control
broadcast [Ready! v]:: control

See Also