Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective. For information on the feature that replaced this one, see Show Variable () (block).
Show Monitor ()
show monitor [variable v]:: variables
Category Variables
Type Stack
Introduced in v148 (2.0 alpha)
Removed in v195 (2.0 alpha)

The show monitor () block was a Data block and a Stack block. The block showed the specified variable's or list's Stage Monitor. Both variables and lists showed in this block, but the variables were always shown first, and each group was sorted by creation time.

The block was planned to replace the show variable [ v] block[citation needed] as this block was able to show lists in addition to variables. However, this functionality was moved to the show list [ v] block.

See Also

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