Set Video Transparency to ()
set video transparency to (50)
Category Video Sensing
Type Stack
Introduced in 2.0

The set video transparency to () block is a stack block block and a Video Sensing block. The block sets the transparency of the video stream to a certain value.

When the block was first introduced sometime in 2.0 alpha, the block was categorized as a looks block, but was changed to be a sensing block in 2.0 beta version v288.[1]

Prior to Scratch 3.0, this block was called Set Video Transparency to ()%, or set video transparency to ()%.

Example Uses

  • Having the video be part of the background
turn video (on v)
set video transparency to (50)
  • Hiding the video while using values
when green flag clicked // in Stage
turn video (on v)
set video transparency to (100)

when green flag clicked // in a sprite
    move (video (motion v) on (stage v)) steps
    if on edge, bounce


See Also

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