(Redirected from Scrolling (Stage))

Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.
The X/Y grid backdrop being scrolled.

Scrolling the stage was a planned new feature of Scratch 2.0. It allowed for the stage to be panned around, repeating the current scene, without creating a sprite for it. However, it was removed in the alpha version due to issues with design.[1]

Related Blocks

There were 5 blocks related to this feature. None of them work in the current version, even when restored from a project containing them.[2]

Note Note: Click on the blocks to learn more.

Example Uses

This feature could be used in the following ways:

  • Creating a repetitive, movable background
  • Simply moving the background
  • Making the moving background bounce
when gf clicked
repeat until <(x scroll::sensing) > [478]>
scroll right (1)::motion
repeat until <(x scroll::sensing) < [1] >
scroll right (-1)::motion
when gf clicked
repeat until <(y scroll::sensing) > [358]>
scroll up (1)::motion
repeat until <(y scroll::sensing) < [1] >
scroll up (-1)::motion

This cannot replace a scrolling map.

Suggestions about scrolling

Multiple users have suggested blocks that would be used to scroll the stage in the suggestions forum. There have also been suggestions to have size blocks for the stage, allowing the background to be scaled up or down, similar to the size blocks for sprites.

See Also


  1. natalie. (1/11/2012). "We were excited about adding it too! But then we began discussing an alternative approach that would make it more powerful and possibly easier to make a lot of projects, but will require a lot more thinking and then iterations and thus won't be ready in time for the initial 2.0 launch." post:1494
  2. https://github.com/LLK/scratch-vm/blob/f930aa61a923c055496ae303a960d39bbb62ebb4/src/blocks/scratch3_motion.js#L38
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