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Scroll Up ()
scroll up ()::motion
Category Motion
Type Stack
Introduced in v152 (2.0 alpha)
Removed in v172 (2.0 alpha)

The Scroll Up () block was a Motion block and a Stack block in the Scratch 2.0 alpha. The block panned the backdrop vertically. It was removed late in the alpha.

Example Uses

  • Simulating a rocket.
when I receive [rocket launched v]
repeat until <(y scroll::sensing) = (150)
scroll up (10)::motion
. . .
  • Simulating a person climbing a wall.
when [up arrow v] key pressed
broadcast [up animation v] // To the player sprite so it can do the animation
scroll up (5)::motion

when [down arrow v] key pressed
broadcast [down animation v] // To the player sprite so it can do the animation
scroll up (-5)::motion

See Also