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Scroll Right ()
scroll right ()::motion
Category Motion
Type Stack
Introduced in v152 (2.0 alpha)
Removed in v172 (2.0 alpha)

The Scroll Right () block was a Motion block and a Stack block in the Scratch 2.0 alpha. The block panned the backdrop horizontally. It was removed late in the alpha.


The block is very useful for creating RPG's and other scrolling games. Using Scroll Right () to scroll reduces much lag because to implement scrolling without the scrolling blocks requires scripts in every visible sprite, running all at once.

Example Uses

  • Moving the stage when the player decides to move.
when [up arrow v] key pressed
scroll up (10)::motion

when [down arrow v] key pressed
scroll up (-10)::motion

when [left arrow v] key pressed
scroll right (-10)::motion

when [right arrow v] key pressed
scroll right (10)::motion
  • Moving until reaching a certain destination.
. . .
repeat until <(x scroll::sensing) = (100)>
scroll right (10)::motion
. . .

See Also