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If you know of an article or image that you think is worth featuring, please add it to the table below. If you agree with a suggestion, add your name to the list of supporters.

Article/Image Suggestions
Page/Image Title Reason Supporters Suggested By Date Chosen?
Blocks New scratchers might get confused... None... yet. Ev3commander September 23, 2015 No
Which forum should my post go in? I see Scratchers confused as to where to post their topics often. CoolBoy5677, Tymewalk, Purplebook163, Hamish752 The_Grits January 30, 2015 No
Scratch Team This could be helpful for new Scratchers. None... yet. The_Grits January 30, 2015 Yes
Curator (front page) Curator is a common thing to discuss, and I see many Scratchers confused by it often. None... yet. Purplebook163 August 3, 2015 Yes
Scratcher This is a common term used, and I think it would be good for newer Scratchers. Purplebook163, Tymewalk Hamish752 August 17, 2015 No
Scratch Wiki It's important for Scratchers to know what the wiki is about. Purplebook163 Hamish752 August 17, 2015 No
How do I promote someone to manager? I don't know about anyone else, but it took me about two months to figure this out. None... yet. Purplebook163 August 17, 2015 No
File:Scratch_Block_Usage.png I don't know about anyone else, but it took me about 9 months to find the page this is on. I thought it was kind of cool. None... yet. Purplebook163 August 25, 2015 No
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