< Scratch Wiki:Elections

The first Scratch Wiki election occurred from September 12-18, 2013. Mathfreak231 was elected to the administrator position, and Hardmath123 and ErnieParke became Experienced Wikians. jvvg, who tied with Hardmath123 in the election, kept his position as an EW.


The candidates listed here were nominated in the original Community Portal discussion. Please do not add anybody else.

  • blob8108 — I made the new Scratchblocks and Scratchsig, helped transition the articles to 2.0, and generally try to improve things.
I've been thinking: once holidays end, I won't have much time at all, so I've decided to withdraw. It won't affect the voting; the order should stay the same. Sorry, everyone!
  • ErnieParke — I have helped update the Wiki to Scratch 2.0, and I am knowledgable in the Wiki and formatting. For example, I have practically created all of the Table_of_Contents/Front_Page article as it is now, and I also like turning stub articles into their full size. I also am the top contributor of the month right now, though other then that, go Scratch Wiki!
  • Hardmath123 — I've been on Scratch for 4 years now and have spent over half that time on the Wiki—so I know a lot about Scratch culture and Scratch history (I was there for most of it!). I started the series of CS articles on the Wiki, and I program parts of Berkeley Snap!. Most people consider me responsible (in fact, I was nominated for admin by scimonster a while ago; I was also a curator which shows that the Scratch Team trusts me). I am particularly obsessive about quality, grammar, etc., and I am extremely active (I have edited far more than most admins). I want to be an admin to give back to the Scratch community.
  • jvvg — I programmed the account registration system on the Wiki, am the one responsible for reviewing most of the account requests, I mostly try to fix grammar mistakes and wrong information, but I also contribute new information periodically and try to update articles for 2.0.
  • Mathfreak231 — I love the wiki. I really do. I've been on for quite a while now, almost a year, and have made almost 3,000 edits. I know what is OK and what isn't OK for the most part, and I have tons of Wiki formatting memorized. I have contributed to some really big discussions. I am really good at cleaning up pages that don't fit S:GUIDES, especially grammar and sounding professional. I've been top contributor of the month quite a few times, and I have a nice sense of wiki humor. Overall, I spend 70% of my free time on the wiki, look at almost as many account requests as jvvg, and would love being one of the administrators. I could help by keeping the Community Portal under control size-wise, do some stuff that people brought up a long time ago but never got around to doing, and keeping everybody in line. I haven't made any major programming breakthroughs, but I still feel like I could use the tools for good.
  • Turkey3 — I always try and help others, and live by helping others before myself, which I think impacts why I can be trusted with the responsibilities of an Admin/EW. On this wiki, I am very active (and on Scratch) and have contributed very much to the block pages in the TOC, and upgraded most of them to Scratch 2.0, as well as changed much TOC coding. Also, I create many tutorials, in particular string tutorials, and recreated the Paint Editor article for Scratch 2.0


To vote, add a row at the bottom, and list your preferences for admin in order (#1 is most preferred). The Borda count is used. The top 2 picks will become administrators; the 2 runner-ups will become Experienced Wikians.

Voting is now closed. The election ended on September 17, 2013.

Voter #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
Turkey3 Mathfreak231 ErnieParke jvvg Curiouscrab Hardmath123 N/A
veggieman001 Mathfreak231 Hardmath123 jvvg ErnieParke Curiouscrab Turkey3
jvvg Mathfreak231 ErnieParke Hardmath123 Turkey3 Curiouscrab N/A
ErnieParke Mathfreak231 jvvg Hardmath123 Turkey3 Curiouscrab N/A
CAA14 ErnieParke Turkey3 jvvg Hardmath123 Curiouscrab Mathfreak231
MathWizz Hardmath123 Mathfreak231 Curiouscrab jvvg ErnieParke Turkey3
jji7skyline jvvg ErnieParke Hardmath123 Turkey3 Mathfreak231 Curiouscrab
Hardmath123 Curiouscrab jvvg Mathfreak231 Turkey3 ErnieParke N/A
Mathfreak231 Hardmath123 Turkey3 Curiouscrab jvvg ErnieParke N/A
Bsteward Mathfreak231 Curiouscrab Hardmath123 jvvg Turkey3 ErnieParke
EH7meow Mathfreak231 jvvg ErnieParke turkey3 Hardmath123 curiouscrab
Davidkt Hardmath123 jvvg curiouscrab turkey3 Mathfreak231 ErnieParke
PhirripSyrrip Mathfreak231 turkey3 jvvg ErnieParke curiouscrab Hardmath123
Wes64 jvvg Mathfreak231 ErnieParke Hardmath123 turkey3 curiouscrab
Technoboy10 Hardmath123 ErnieParke curiouscrab turkey3 jvvg Mathfreak231
Bharvey Hardmath123 Mathfreak231 Turkey3 ErnieParke jvvg Curiouscrab
blob8108 Hardmath123 Mathfreak231 jvvg turkey3 Curiouscrab ErnieParke
Mrsrec jvvg Curiouscrab Mathfreak231 Turkey3 ErnieParke Hardmath123
Scimonster Hardmath123 Mathfreak231 jvvg Turkey3 ErnieParke Curiouscrab
LS97 jvvg Hardmath123 Mathfreak231 ErnieParke Turkey3 Curiouscrab
scratchisthebest Turkey3 ErnieParke Hardmath123 Curiouscrab jvvg Mathfreak231
nathmorr jvvg Hardmath123 Mathfreak231 ErnieParke Turkey3 Curiouscrab
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