Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective. For information on the feature that replaced this one, see Days Since 2000 (block).
This article is about the block. For the annual event, see Scratch Day.
Scratch Days
(Scratch days:: sensing)
Category Sensing
Type Reporter
Introduced in v145 (2.0 alpha)
v172 (2.0 alpha)
Removed in v148 (2.0 alpha)
v230 (2.0 beta)

The Scratch Days block was a Sensing block and a reporter block. It reported the number of days since Scratch 1.0's public launch day (May 15, 2007). It was available in beta versions of Scratch 2.0 but did not make the initial release,[1] instead being replaced by the Days Since 2000 block.

When first introduced, the block would report an incorrect amount of days during daylight savings time, being an hour ahead the correct amount of days. This bug was fixed in v215 of Scratch 2.0.

This block was notable for being the only one in the block palette starting with a capital letter.

v145 and v146 had a version of this block called scratch time (), which allowed the selection of "gmt" or "local", and it was called "timestamp" in v147.

Example Uses

This block could be used in some of the following ways:

  • Making a countdown/timer
  • Making something unavailable before or after a certain date
  • Creating a clock


Main article: List of Block Workarounds

This block can be simulated with the following code:

((days since 2000) - (2691))

This is because May 15, 2007 is 2691 days after January 1, 2000.

The "current day" block can also be used to get around it.


  1. Lightnin. (2/6/2013). "change "Scratch days" to "days since 2000"" post:10920
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