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Introduction to the conference by Mitchel Resnick
The banner used to represent the conference
The motto of the 2014 conference

The Scratch @ MIT Conference 2014 took place from the 6th to the 9th of August under the motto "Projects, Peers, Passion, Play".

During this event, researchers, teachers, developers, and other interested people from all over the world shared Scratch experiences and gained new ones. Many events took place, including among others short talks, daily keynote sessions, posters, workshops, discussions, and a meal together.


MaKey MaKey Workshop with Eric Rosenbaum from the Scratch Team

That year's motto, "Projects, Peers, Passion, Play," also referred to as "the four P's of learning", are interpreted as follows:

  • Projects — Give people the opportunity to make something they like, and pave the way from an idea to the creation.
  • Peers — Work with, encourage, exchange ideas with, and make something that builds on the ideas of others.
  • Passion — One should make something that means a lot to them, for special motivation against challenges.
  • Play — Try new things, take risks, and explore various possibilities.


Time Event Description
Wednesday, August 6th
18:00 Opening Participants could meet each other, watch clips from previous conferences, and have some snacks and drinks.
Thursday, August 7th
09:30 Keynote: "Looking Back, Looking Ahead" The Scratch Team talked about the development of Scratch and how they would proceed with it in the future.
Video: Looking Back, Looking Ahead.
11:00 Workshops Workshops on music with Scratch, the Makey Makey Scratch Extension, the Hour of Code, and much more.
14:00 Workshops Workshops on ScratchJr, Kinect in Scratch, Scratch for Ardunio, LEGO WeDo, and more.
16:00 Posters Posters on Scratch's internationality, Snap!, robots controlled with Scratch, e-textiles[problematic] controlled with Scratch, Scratch clubs, and more.
Friday, August 8th
09:30 Keynote: "Making, Coding, Writing" Dale Dougherty from the MAKE Magazine, Elyse Eidman-Aadahl from the National Writing Project and Mitchel Resnick from the Scratch Team discussed the role of making, coding, and writing in modern learning.
Video: Making, Coding, Writing.
11:00 Panel discussions, workshops, and talks With three panel discussions, two workshops and many short talks, participants could learn more about the Scratch Community, object-oriented programming in Snap!, and more.
13:30 Panel discussions, workshops, and talks Scratch was presented to families, libraries, schools, and other entities, during more panel discussions, workshops, and short talks.
15:00 Unofficial sessions Sessions organized by participants discussed topics of interest, such as Scratch translation.
16:30 Posters Posters on 3D Scratch, Scratch hardware extensions, MOOCs, Pocket Code, and other topics.
Saturday, August 9th
09:30 Keynote: "Scratchers Helping Scratchers" Particularly active Scratchers (two now in the Scratch Team) talked about their roles and how they grew, as well as the influence of Scratch on what they did.
Video: Scratchers Helping Scratchers.
Linda Fernsel talks about the German Scratch Wiki at 28 minutes.
09:30 Panel discussions, workshops, and talks In yet more panel discussions, workshops, and talks, participants learned how to develop smartphone apps, inspire children to code, make Scratch understand Shakespeare, and more.
12:00 Final discussion Participants expressed their ideas, thoughts, and reflections on the conference.


The cost for participation in the conference was $100. Breakfast, snacks and lunch, as well as a conference dinner were included in the price. However, this could not pay for the entire conference. For this reason, the following sponsors have agreed to support the conference with generous donations:

See Also

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