- Not to be confused with Say () for () Seconds (block) or Speak () (block).
Say () | |
say () | |
Category | Looks |
Type | Stack |
Introduced in | 01Mar04 (0.x) |
The Say () block is a Looks block and a stack block. The block gives its sprite a speech bubble with the specified text — the speech bubble stays until an another speech or thought block is activated, or the stop sign is pressed. This block is identical to the Think () block, except that this block gives a speech bubble, while the other gives a thought bubble. This block immediately moves on to the next block when it is activated, unlike the Say () for () Seconds block. This mechanism is similar to the Start Sound () block.
Example Uses

As this block gives an optionally everlasting speech bubble (see common mistake for how to stop the speech), it is often used for a speech bubble that is desired to end after an unspecified amount of time, such as a triggered event or statement.
Some uses are:
- An object always making a sound
say [Buzz... Buzz...]
- A picture or a sign
say [<-- Dragon {} Bank -->]
- A message that is not wanted to go away
say [I am the forever sign. Age has worn my wood so much...]
- A message that flips to the next when the space key is pressed
when gf clicked say [Do you want to know the answer to life, the universe, and everything? (Press Space)] wait until <key (space v) pressed?> say [42]
- An ending message (for example, 'You win!' or 'Please comment your thoughts!')
when gf clicked wait until <(score) > (9)> say [Great job! You win with a score of 10!]
- A message that the viewer can choose how long it stays for
when gf clicked ask [How long would you like me to say π (pi)?] and wait say [3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105...] wait (answer) seconds say []
- Variable length speech (such as waiting for a player's action before moving on)
when gf clicked say [Press space to continue!] wait until <key (space v) pressed?> broadcast (continue v) say []
Character Limit
A character limit was added for Scratch 3.0, limiting all text to 330 characters or less.[1] This limitation also applies to the following blocks:
say () for () seconds
think ()
think () for () seconds
Common Mistake
The "say" block is often misunderstood to stop saying the message when the script ends or moves on to the next block, but instead, the sprite continuously says the text until it says or thinks something else. To make a sprite stop saying a message, it must speak a blank message, which triggers the speech bubble to stay hidden and the sprite to say nothing.
Starting and stopping a project causes the sprites to stop saying all messages.[2] |
The following script is an example of making a sprite say a message for an unspecified amount of time, and then stopping the message.
when gf clicked say [Watch me spin!] repeat (pick random (90) to (110)) turn right (4) degrees end say []
A proper script would look like this:
when gf clicked say [Watch me spin!] for (2) seconds repeat (pick random (90) to (110)) turn right (4) degrees end
This script waits for 2 seconds before taking further action, making it possible for the user to see the dialogue.
The say block can be useful for debugging projects, as it can monitor certain values that the user needs to know about, by putting it in a Forever loop. For example:
forever say ((var1) + ((var2) * (var3))) end
See Also
For sprites |
Say () for () Seconds • Say () • Think () for () Seconds • Think () • Switch Costume to () • Next Costume • Switch Backdrop to () • Next Backdrop • Change Size by () • Set Size to ()% • Change () Effect by () • Set () Effect to () • Clear Graphic Effects • Show • Hide • Go to () Layer • Go () () Layers • Costume () • Backdrop () • Size
For the Stage |