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The Projects Loved by Scratchers I'm Following section on the front page.

The Projects Loved by Scratchers I'm Following section on the Front Page shows projects loved by users that a user is following.

This row is the fifth row down on the Scratch homepage. It will not appear if the user is not logged in, or if they are not following any other users. The row is useful for users for interacting with their followers and seeing their recent activity. It is also another way to find projects to view. The projects shown are randomly chosen from relevant users' loved projects.[citation needed]

The row holds 4 sets of 5 projects - 20 in total - which are updated usually around every 10-20 minutes.[citation needed] Each project displays the project name, thumbnail, and creator (the same information as the Featured Project row, curated row, and SDS rows).

If a user is unfollowed, the project that the user loved is still displayed in the row until displaced by other projects.[citation needed]

See Also