Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective. For information on the feature that replaced this one, see Play Drum () for () Beats.
Play Drum () for () Beats
play drum (35 v) for (0.5) beats
Category Sound
Type Stack
Removed in 2.0

The Play Drum () for () Beats block was a sound block and a stack block. The block played the specified instrument for the specified number of seconds using a MIDI percussion instrument.

The block, however, was replaced with the Play Drum () for () Beats block in Scratch 2.0, due to the lack of a MIDI synthesizer in Flash.[1]

Available Instruments

The drop-down menu for this block.

This block had a drop-down menu where users could select one of 47 percussion instruments available to this specific block, each having their own unique number from 35 to 81. These instruments were:

  1. (35) Acoustic Bass Drum
  2. (36) Bass Drum 1
  3. (37) Side Stick
  4. (38) Acoustic Snare
  5. (39) Hand Clap
  6. (40) Electric Snare
  7. (41) Low Floor Tom
  8. (42) Closed Hi-Hat
  9. (43) High Floor Tom
  10. (44) Pedal Hi-Hat
  11. (45) Low Tom
  12. (46) Open Hi-Hat
  13. (47) Low-Mid Tom
  14. (48) Hi-Mid Tom
  15. (49) Crash Cymbal 1
  16. (50) High Tom
  17. (51) Ride Cymbal
  18. (52) Chinese Cymbal
  19. (53) Ride Bell
  20. (54) Tambourine
  21. (55) Splash Cymbal
  22. (56) Cowbell
  23. (57) Crash Cymbal 2
  24. (58) Vibraslap
  25. (59) Ride Cymbal 2
  26. (60) Hi Bongo
  27. (61) Low Bongo
  28. (62) Mute Hi Conga
  29. (63) Open Hi Conga
  30. (64) Low Conga
  31. (65) High Timbale
  32. (66) Low Timbale
  33. (67) High Agogo
  34. (68) Low Agogo
  35. (69) Cabasa
  36. (70) Maracas
  37. (71) Short Whistle
  38. (72) Long Whistle
  39. (73) Short Guiro
  40. (74) Long Guiro
  41. (75) Claves
  42. (76) Hi Wood Block
  43. (77) Low Wood Block
  44. (78) Mute Cuica
  45. (79) Open Cuica
  46. (80) Mute Triangle
  47. (81) Open Triangle


  1. Lightnin. (22/02/11). "Unlike Scratch 1.4 and the Java-based player, Flash does not have a MIDI synthesizer available. Thus, for the Flash-based player, we had to create our own synthesizer and instrument/drum library. Currently, we have 15 instruments and 12 drums as opposed to the General MIDI collection of 128 instruments and 35-ish drums." ar-post:680190

See Also

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