Not ()
not <>
Category Operators
Type Boolean
Introduced in 11Oct03 Re-added in 14Feb04
Removed in 8Dec03

The not () block is an Boolean block and an Operators block. The block returns the opposite value of the boolean input, reversing its value.

Example Uses

This block can be used to "reverse" booleans. It turns a condition that evaluates to true to false, and the other way around.

Some common uses for the not <> block are:

  • Waiting until a certain key is not being pressed after being pressed:
wait until <key (space v) pressed?>
change x by (20)
wait until <not<key (space v) pressed?>>

  • Checking that a variable is unequal to a certain value:
if <not <(lives) = [0]>> then
    say [Continue] for (1) seconds
    stop [all v]
  • Checking that a list does not contain a certain item:
if < not < [list v] contains [go] > > then
    stop [all v]


Main article: List of Block Workarounds

This block can be replicated with the following code:

< < . . . :: grey > = [false]>


if <. . . :: grey> then
set [result v] to [false]
set [result v] to [true]
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