(Redirected from How to Make a Paint Project)

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One can make any project with whatever pen blocks they like, but here are some ideas:

This script will make the sprite draw and glide/slide to a specific location.

when gf clicked // Starts the script.
pen down // Puts the pen down.
glide (1) secs to x:(. . .:: grey) y:(. . .:: grey) // Makes the sprite slide to the desired X and Y position.

This script will make the sprite draw while going to a random place every 0.1 seconds.

when green flag clicked // Starts the script.
pen down // Puts the pen down.
forever // Lets the script repeat.
wait (0.1) secs // Makes a 0.1 second delay.
go to x: (pick random (-240) to (240)) y: (pick random (-180) to (180)) // Teleports the sprite to a random place.

This script will put the pen down when the mouse is down.

when green flag clicked // Starts up the script.
forever // Makes the script repeat.
go to (mouse pointer v) // Teleports sprite to mouse pointer
if <mouse down?> then // If the mouse is clicked...
pen down // Pen down!
pen up // If the mouse is not down... Pen up!

This script will draw a circle.

when green flag clicked // Starts the script.
pen down // puts the pen down.
repeat (360) // repeat 360 times:
move (1) steps // move one step...
turn right (1) degrees // and turn!

See Also

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