Most special roles in Scratch can only be obtained through Scratch Team invitation. However, there are several that can be applied for. Note that Scratcher status is needed to do any of these.

Becoming a Scratch Helper

Becoming a Scratch helper is an opt-in role. Adding a welcoming project to the Scratch Welcoming Committee! studio will cause a Scratcher to become a Scratch helper.

Becoming a Scratch Wiki Editor

Main article: S:CONTRIB

A Scratch Wiki account can be requested by filling out an application form. It's important to read everything requested and make requests as clear as possible, or the request may be rejected. Applicants must have a Scratch account which is at least two months old. The full requirements are listed in a Wiki article. If the request has been processed, the user who requested the account will be notified on their profile.

Becoming a Front Page Curator

Main article: How to Nominate Yourself to be a Scratch Front Page Curator

The Front Page Curator Applications studio has instructions on how to make an application to become a front page curator. Applications can be submitted by posting a link to them in the comments of that studio. When a curator is chosen, they will receive a comment on their application. Curators are chosen weekly.

Becoming a Scratch Design Studio Curator

Main article: Scratch Design Studio Curator#Becoming a Curator

Those who are chosen as SDS curators are chosen by being active, and helpful, on Scratch for four months (although some exceptions have been made in the past[1]). Note that, unlike other roles, the Scratch Design Studio Curators choose new members, not the Scratch Team.[2] When chosen, new SDS curators usually get a comment on their profile or an old project.

Becoming a Scratch Mentor

Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.

It is still unknown as to how exactly mentors are chosen. In the past, new Scratch Mentors have received an invitation on their profile, or one of their projects.[3] Again, this role is by Scratch Team invitation only.[4][citation needed]

Becoming a Community Moderator

Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.

The role of Community Moderator no longer exists.[5] All moderators are now part of the Scratch Team. Community Moderators used to be elected by the community.

Becoming a Scratch Stability Team Member

Archive.png This article or section documents something not included in the current version of Scratch (3.0). It is only useful from a historical perspective.

Not very much is known about becoming a Scratch Stability Team. What is known is that one has to help with bugs and glitches in the forums, and have tracked down bugs in the past. When a new member is chosen, they will get a comment from a member of the Scratch Team on their profile asking if they want to join.

Becoming a Scratch Team Member

Main article: How can I be a Scratch Team member?

Being part of the Scratch Team is a full-time, paid job. Members must must be 18 years of age. Becoming a Scratch Team moderator is also a full-time, paid job, but it is remote as opposed to physically being at MIT Media Lab.[6]


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