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Reason: Covered in the Curator (front page) article, this can become a redirect if there is consensus (unlike Curator, this article is very informal)
The curator row on the homepage.
The Scratch Team chooses curators that represent the diversity of the Scratch Community — girls, boys, gamers, storytellers, animators — Scratchers of all kinds! If you'd like to become a curator, first take some time to think about what kind of projects you'd like to show others, and why you think they're interesting. Share your thoughts of why you should be curator in a project. Then, create a studio that is called "(Username)'s Sample Studio". Place your entry project in that studio. Then, go find 5-7 projects that you would curate and put them in your studio. Finally, go to this studio and ask for your entry project to be placed in it. The Scratch Team especially likes to choose Scratchers who have been helpful and contributing members of the Scratch community and have a history of good behavior.

It would be best if you change your projects at least once during the time you are a Front Page Curator.

The Scratch Team has had many applicants and choosing among them has definitely not been easy! You can find a list of past curators here. Many thanks to all of them!

See Also

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