Change Volume by ()
change volume by ()
Category Sound
Type Stack
Introduced in 05Oct07 (1.2 Beta)

The Change Volume by () block is a Sound block and a stack block. The block changes the volume of a sprite by the specified amount. This only affects the sprite (or the stage) that the block is in.

Example Uses

As this block changes a sprite's volume, it is widely used in projects that let you change the project's volume.

Some common uses for the Change Volume by () block:

  • Volume controls
when this sprite clicked
change volume by (-10)
  • As a sprite gets further away from the viewer, their noises are quieter
change size by (-25)
change volume by (-25)

change size by (25)
change volume by (25)
  • Songs made with the Sound blocks that have loud and quiet parts
play note (60) for (1) beats
set volume to (50)%
play note (60) for (1) beats
change volume by (25)
play note (60) for (1) beats
change volume by (25)
play note (60) for (1) beats


Main article: List of Block Workarounds

This block can be replicated with the following code:

set volume to ((volume) + (amount))%

See Also

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