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Change Costume by ()
Change Costume By ().gif
Category Looks
Type Stack
Removed in 02Dec06 (1.0 beta)

The Change Costume by () block was a Looks block and a Stack block. This block advanced to next costume the specified number of times. It was replaced in the November 2006 Beta by the next costume block due to a bug workaround, and it was made an obsolete block. This block is not available in Scratch 2.0, but is still usable in Scratch 1.4.


Main article: List of Block Workarounds

This block can be replicated with the following code:

switch costume to ((costume [number v]) + (. . .::grey))

Example Uses

  • Making an animation:
when green flag clicked
change costume by (1)::looks
wait (0.5) seconds

See Also