(Redirected from () or () (block))

() or ()
<> or <>
Category Operators
Type Boolean
Introduced in 11Oct03

The () or () block is an Operators block and a Boolean block. The block returns true if at least one of its inputs are true; if neither of them are true, it returns false.

This block can be stacked inside itself — this can be used to compare more conditions.

Example Uses

This script asks the user what their favorite color, and will give one response if it is "blue" or "red", and another response if it is anything else.

when green flag clicked
ask [What is your favorite color?] and wait
if < <(answer) = [blue]> or <(answer) = [red]> > then
say [I also like that color!]
say [That's a nice color!]


Main article: List of Block Workarounds

This block can be replicated with the either of the following:

<not <<not <. . .::grey>> and <not <. . .::grey>>>

<(<. . .::grey>+<. . .::grey>) > (0)>

This stack also works (with the variable T/F being the result):

set [T/F v] to <. . .::  grey>
if <. . .::grey> then
    set [T/F v] to <not<>>

See Also

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