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() ()
[say v] [Hello!]::looks
Category Looks
Type Stack
Introduced in 2.0 prealpha
Removed in 2.0 alpha

The () () block was a Looks block and a Stack block. The block gives its sprite a speech bubble with the specified text — the speech bubble stays until another speech or thought block is activated, or the stop sign is pressed. This block has the choices "say" and "think" as well as "whisper" and "shout".

This block was available in later versions of 2.0 prealpha to early versions of 2.0 alpha. It was originally designed to replace the Say () and Think () blocks,[citation needed] but was then cancelled.

The Scratch Cat saying "Hello" with the Whisper and Shout in action

() () for () Secs

There was also a version of this block with the same options, except that it was designed to replace Say () for () Seconds and as such included another argument for length.

See Also

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